Welcoming New Year at Lucky House
The first meeting of 2015 was hosted by "Cousin" Danny at Lucky House, with a good, strong turnout.
A board meeting was held earlier, making this a speaker-less Assembly meeting . President Jeanne reported out on the board meeting:
A $3,000 donation to the YMCA Reach Out to Youth campaign. This has been an annual donation to what the club has always regarded as a very worthy cause, providing Y scholarships to kids who would not be able to join otherwise.
A request from Stand Up For Animals was denied
A request to fund a Shelter Box was denied. It was felt that there is no immediate crisis, and our International Chair is working on a proposal for the near future. Rick will be working with Jorge on this.
Southern RI Volunteers 5K sponsorship was approved at last year;s level of $150.
Charlestown Seafood Festival has let us know that they have a booth available if we want to use it. They have one vender serving strawberry shortcake but would allow another. The festival, which is held the week before Washington County Fair, opens on Thursday evening and closes at the end of the day on Sunday. We will be kicking this around for a while.
A contract has been signed with the Preserve at Boulder Hills for our spring fundraiser. We have guaranteed them $5,000 income, so we will all need to put our best effort in to selling tickets. We are sharing the fundraiser this year with the Chariho Community 2000 Education Foundation, which should help a lot.
Next week and till the end of February we will be meeting at Wood River Inn. Make sure Kim knows your meal choice, and if you are going to miss, call her on Monday to let her know.